Some tips on how to get the best sparkler shots
1. Always tell me you have sparklers planned, so that I can ensure I have the correct photography kit to photograph it.
2. Assign a responsible adult to be in charge of the sparklers, they can hand them out and light them.
3. Wait until its dark so that the sparklers will show off.
4. Look forward, to the sparkler or at each other. Stay in place if directed to.
5. Things you’ll need: a metal bucket with water, an easy to use lighter and 18″ sparklers, they have to be this size to ensure the first ones lit are still alight by the time you finish lighting the rest.
6. If you suspect someone is too drunk to take part, ask them to sit out – for safety.
7. Follow rules on how to use sparklers as indictated by ROSPA.
Sparkler safety
Sparklers are often viewed as being harmless but they burn at fierce temperatures, equivalent to a welding torch. Follow these top tips for sparkler safety:
- It is recommended that sparklers are not given to under-5s
- Make sure everyone handling sparklers wears gloves
- Hold sparklers at arm’s length while being lit and light them one at a time
- Don’t wave sparklers about close to other people
- Never hold a baby in your arms while you are holding a sparkler
- When the sparkler has finished put it in a bucket of cold water.